Kev’s Daily Take On 07/18/2023

SI Covers

 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

On Today’s Menu…

Seattle Metropolitan

NATIONAL CAVIAR DAY is spread out before us.  There must be something to these little fish eggs, considering their popularity and price.  I have got to try this someday.

Pucker up for NATIONAL SOUR CANDY DAY.  Started by the American Licorice Company in 2015, celebrate with your favorite sweets…or should I say sours.  Lemon drops are calling my name.

Sneak Peek at Tomorrow’s Events and Celebrations

Flight Attendant Safety Day

National Hot Dog Day

Words With Friends Day

National Daiquiri Day

Flitch Day

On this day …

64 AD – Rome is burning – the fire lasted three days and destroyed 3 districts leaving only 4 of the 14 untouched.  Hundreds died and thousands were left homeless.  Nero did not fiddle while Rome was burning, but he did use this event to further his political career.

1921 – Babe Ruth smacks a 575’ homer – his 139th – to take the title of home run leader away from Roger Conner

1968 – The Intel Corporation is founded

1969 – Senator Ted Kennedy drives off the Chappaquiddick bridge, killing his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne

1976 – Nadia Comaneci scores a perfect 10 in gymnastics at the Montreal Olympicss – the first in history

1992 – The first photograph is published on the web

Happy Birthday to…
Kelly Miller (1863-1939)
First African American graduate student admitted to Johns Hopkins University
Margaret Brown (1867-1932)
Surviving the sinking of the Titanic earned her the nickname “The Unsinkable Molly Brown”
George “Machine Gun” Kelly (1895-1954)
Bootlegger, bank robber and kidnapper – not a nice guy
Red Skelton (1913-1997)
TV personality and comedian
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
The voice against apartheid who became President of South Africa

John Glenn (1921-2016)
First American to orbit the Earth

Joe Torre (1940- )
This Hall of Famer managed the Yankees during their 1996, 1998-2000 World Series games, was an MVP and batting champion in 1971 as well as a golden glove infielder while playing with the St. Louis Cards

Radio Times
Vin Diesel (1967 -)
Can drive fast and furious as well as “Pacify” most situations.  He can be seen in The Fast and the Furious (2001), The Pacifier (2005) and as Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Kristen Bell (1980- )
She gave us Anna in Frozen (2013) as well as Veronica Mars (2014)

As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
  Proverbs 27:17

Enjoy the day and make it your own

Thank you to National Day CalendarNational TodayHistory.comBritannica.comWikipediaon this

#NationalCaviarDay, #NationalSourCandyDay, #Enjoythedayandmakeityourown

Happy Birthday to #KellyMiller, #MargaretBrown, #MachineGunKelly, #RedSkelton, #NelsonMandela, #JohnGlenn, #VinDiesel, #KristenBell 

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