Kev’s Daily Take On 08/14/2023

 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


NATIONAL V-J DAY celebrates the moment that the world found out that Japan was surrendering.  Celebrations broke out and it was definitely time for WWII to be over.

NAVAJO CODE TALKERS DAY honors the unbreakable secret code and the Native Americans who brought it to us during WWII.  The enemy was never able to decipher it and it served the Marines well.

U.S. VICTORY DAY commemorates the official announcement of Japan’s unconditional surrender to the Allies – marking the end of WWII. U.S. Victory Day is basically celebrated in Rhode Island, but I thought it would be a good one to put down for the day.

It is time to get responsible with NATIONAL FINANCIAL AWARENESS DAY.  Saving and investing your money could make for a nice future.  Nothing is guaranteed but it never hurts to plan.

ingoodtastedenver. com

Need a new book to read?  LOVE YOUR BOOKSTORE DAY encourages us to head down to our favorite literary haunt and browse through the rows and shelves of possibilities.

Time to cool off with NATIONAL CREAMSICLE DAY.  These frozen treats have the cream in the middle and a flavored sherbet shell.  Orange is the original flavor, but now there is quite the variety.  I’d say it’s a great day to get your creamsicle on.

Back to School Prep Day

Lemon Meringue Pie Day

Relaxation Day

Leathercraft Day
John Henry – AKA- Doc Holliday 
(1851-1887) From dentist to gambler to gunfighter he cut quite the colorful character in the old west
John Ringling North (1903-1985)
Knew how to run an entertaining circus
Ethel Lois Payne (1911-1991)
The first African American woman in the White House Press Corps
Steve Martin (1945- )
He is a wild and crazy guy

Danielle Steel (1947- )
She can bring the romance

Gary Larson (1950- )
Gives us the Far Side comics
Earvin “Magic” Johnson (1959- )
NBA All-Star and Hall of Famer – liked to give Larry Byrd a hard time

New York Post
Halle Berry (1966- )
Oscar winning actress who starred in Monster’s Ball (2001), was a Bond girl – Die Another Day (2002) and played Catwoman (2004).

Dear Lord, we just thank You for this wonderful day and all of the beauty You have put before us.  Amen.

Thank you to National Day CalendarNational TodayHistory.comBritannica.comWikipediaon this 

#VJDay, #NavahoCodeTalkersDay, #USVictoryDay, #CreamsicleDay, #FinancialAwarenessDay, #LoveYourBookstoreDay

Happy Birthday to #DocHoliday, #JohnRingling, #EthelLoisPayne, #SteveMartin, #DanielleSteel, #GaryLarson, #MagicJohnson, #HalleBerry

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